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მოიძებნა 1 პროდუქტი

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From the World Leader - Delta Group

Innergie, a brand of Delta, is a leading provider of consumer power products and power solutions. Launched in 2008, Innergie builds on the innovation of Delta Group, a world leader in power management with over 40 years of advanced technical experience. As an energy-saving solutions provider, Delta's businesses encompass power electronics, energy management, and smart green life. Innergie belongs to the business group of Smart Green Life in Delta. With expertise in compact power technology, Innergie designs and produces solutions for the home, the workplace, and a mobile lifestyle.

No. 1 in Innovation, Safety & Quality

Innergie creates world-class-quality products that are stylish, innovative, and remarkably safe. With 5 types of built-in protections (OCP, OVP, OTP, OPP, SCP), Innergie is a leader in safe power-charging solutions. Additionally, Innergie's cutting-edge technologies are backed by several patents. One patent for the detachable design of planar transformers has made compactness and attractive design aesthetics possible for Innergie products. At Innergie, we retain confidence in the quality of our products, and offer a generous warranty to our loyal customers everywhere.