LuxiBoard 10Touch 80 "
10 point touch IWB 80" (4:3) აღიქვამს ერთდროულად 10 მომხმარებელს ერთი შეხების ფუნქციით, ან 5 მომხმარებელს რამოდენიმე შეხების ფუნქციით ინფრაწითელი ტექნოლოგია, 15 გვერდითა TOUCH ღილაკი ხშირად მოხმარებადი ფუნქციების სწრაფი და მარტივი გამოყენებისთვის. ორი პასიური სტილუსი კომპლექტაციაში,არ საჭიროებს ბატარეას. მაგნიტური , თეთრი გლუვი მეტალის ზედაპირი.Teach Infinity პროგრამით.
Interactive Infrared Multimedia Blackboard 10 touches 80 "with lateral rapid keys
Bundled software: Teach Infinity Pro
Technology: Infrared sensor matrix
Diagonal active area: 80 "
Active area size: 170.6x116.5 cm
Projection area dimensions: 157x117.5 cm
Format: 4: 3
Frame: Aluminum
Surface: Writable pre-painted steel / washable
Simultaneous touches: 10
Pointing tools: fingers or other passive pointing tool, 2 pens included
Frontal pen tray
Shortcuts: Yes, 15 keys on the right and left side
Active area resolution: 72,000x72,000 unique points
Transmission speed / Acquisition times: 305 pt / s
Stretch speed: 16 m / s
Scanning speed: 125 pt / s
Accuracy: ± 0.5 mm
Interface: USB A
Supplied USB cable length: 7.5 m
Max USB cable length: 10 m
Consumption: <0.5W
Operating Systems Supported: Windows 7 - 8 - 10 32 / 64bit / MacOs X / Linux
Operating temperature: -15-50 C °
Operating humidity: 20 ~ 90%
Overall dimensions: 181.6x127.5x5.78 cm
Packing: 207x138x9 cm
Net weight: 20 Kg
Gross weight: 34 Kg
Certifications: CE - FCC - ROHS
Warranty: 5 years
Compatibility and distribution Windows / Macintosh / Linux
Freely installable on any computer
Creating lessons
Opening / saving lessons in owner format * .hht
Export of the lesson in PowerPoint format (.ppt), Acrobat PDF (.pdf),
HTML (.html), Word (.doc), Excel (.xls), Image (.jpg), BECTA CFF (.iwb)
Importing lessons in Microsoft PowerPoint format (* .ppt, * pptx) e
BECTA CFF (.iwb),
Toolbar clear and easy to understand
Working mode "Design" and "Presentation"
Configurable toolbar
Multi-user access with saving settings
Customized configuration of the instruments, both in mode
presentation design
Advanced editing of objects: transparency, size, proportions,
rotation, position, reflection etc.
Creation of custom templates and backgrounds
Contents and resources
Gallery of contents and interactive tools for teaching:
Mathematics (mathematical function editor), Geometry (2D and 3D forms
vector, drawing tools like compasses, protractors, squards,
ruler etc.), Chemistry (formula recognition, interactive tool library
etc.), Physics (interactive tools library), English (phonetic transcription of
words and phrases)
Online class for FAD with the possibility of collaborative work e
Advanced configuration of interactive tools
Speech synthesis tool for reading texts aloud
Drawing tools
Pen, Brush, Highlighter etc.
Vector 2D and 3D geometric shapes
Customizable templates and backgrounds
Geometric design tools
Presentation tools
Object shares
Page animations
Reflector, Curtain
Screen annotation
Interface dedicated to presentation with floating menu to maximize
the work area
Automatic recognition Recognition of multilingual writing, geometric shapes, formulas
mathematics, chemical formulas
Importing documents (.iwb, .ppt, .pptx), lessons and image files (.bmp,
.emf, .gif, .jpg, .png, .tif, .wmf, .iwb), video file (.asf, .avi, .divx, .flv, .m1v,
.m2v, .m4u, .mov), audio files (.aif, .aiff, .aut, .m4a, .mid, .midi, .mp2, .mp3),
flash file (.swf)
Drag & drop function for importing external files
Media recorder to save the lesson (audio and video) as a file
Integration with third-party image acquisition devices
(viewer / document camera, scanner, webcam etc.)
Integrated multimedia player
Function of playback of all actions performed on a page